Hmm...benarkah? jika benar umur Playstation 3 hanya tinggal 5 tahun lagi, sepertinya pernyataan ini terlalu berlebihan. Dalam sebuah wawancara, petinggi Sony Computer Entertaintment, Kaz Hirai mengatakan, "Well I think in any given moment, you need to think both short-term – so, what are we doing next fiscal year, how do we grow the current business – but at the same time, you also need to look four or five years out as well. To say, OK, what is the consumer wanting to do in interactive entertainment five years from now, what can we as a platform holder propose, if you will, to the consumers, to say maybe we should so this or that, and make sure that we keep the consumers engaged, and really also make sure that we are leading the market as opposed to following it. So discussions are happening all the time, about both our short term plans – what are we doing this fiscal year, next fiscal year – as well as, what is the world going to look like, what is the landscape going to look like five years from now, or ten years from now."
Saat Mr. Hirai ditanya tentang pendapatnya mengenai pengembangan hardware Playstation baru yang dikembangkan tiap sekitar 10 tahun setelah Playstation sebelumnya dirilis, ia menjawab “I think so, I think so. But at the same time, I think we have proven with two consoles already that when you say it’s a ten-year lifecycle, it’s a ten-year lifecycle. And we have the luxury I think of being able to keep that long lifecycle going, which means that we don’t need to be talking about our next-generation platform, because again we have a very stable [current] platform. And we certainly don’t want to confuse the consumers once again, by talking about something that may or may not happen five years from now. And that’s something we’re talking about and discussing up here [taps his head] in the company, but it’s not something we talk about openly, again for fear of confusing the consumers. And quite honestly, I think the PlayStation 3, we’ve repositioned it, and it’s got quite a long way to go. I mean we’re just starting here.”
Jelas sekali bahwa pihak Sony masih sangat percaya diri dengan senjata andalannya saat ini Playstation 3, namun tidak menutup kemungkinan bagi mereka untuk memulai riset pengembangan konsol game mereka yang baru. Tapi kalo menurut ramalan saya (setelah bersemedi di pulau Trunyan??), PS3 masih akan bertahan sampai kira-kira sepuluh atau 12 tahun lagi, khususnya di negara-negara berkembang mungkin bisa lebih lama lagi (tengok saja rental-rental PS2 yang masih ramai sampai sekarang, padahal umur PS2 sudah jutaan tahun). Biarpun begitu, mau sampe PS6 atau PS7 sekalipun tapi kalo gamenya masih belum bisa dibajak, bakalan susah buat konsol ciptaan Sony ini menguasai pasar di negara-negara berkembang, terutama negara kita Indonesia tercinta..hehe. Lagian rata-rata gamer Indonesia kan lebih milih bayar yang "murah" dari pada bayar buat yang "mahal", ya toh? (^.^)
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